Our Team
Nelly Viramontes, Operations Manager
Nelly joined Reading Between the Lines (RBL) as Administrative Manager bringing 25+ years of nonprofit administrative experience. In the past year she has transitioned to become RBL’s Operations Manager. She has previously worked for political based organizations like The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform and CHANGE Illinois. Nelly has also worked for a community lending organization Allies for Community Business where she assisted located entrepreneurs obtain grants and loans for their businesses, allowing them to be successful during hard times. She brings a wide range of experience to RBL and helps oversee the day-to- day actvities of the organization, Nelly is also a certified facilitator for our sessions at all sites we presently work with.
Edmund Buck, Program Coordinator
Edmund Buck served nineteen and a half years in the Illinois Department of Corrections before his release ten years ago. Since then, he has been involved in restorative justice efforts, aiming to support those impacted by the justice system and advocating for criminal justice reform. Edmund has held positions such as Reentry Case Manager and Associate Content Manager at Edovo. Prior to that, he worked as a Personal Assistant for people with disabilities at the Illinois Department of Human Services. His most recent role was as a Youth Development Coach for the READI Chicago Project, before joining the RBL Team as a Program Specialist.
Augie M. Torres, Executive Director
Augie is a graduate from The University of Chicago’s Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy and Practice. His previous work includes positions at Acclivus Inc, READI Chicago (Heartland Alliance) Edovo, Cure Violence Chicago (UIC), SouthWest Organizing Project (SWOP), and The Education Justice Project (UIUC). Augie currently sits on the Illinois Sentencing Policy Advisory Council (SPAC) which reviews the effectiveness and efficiency of current sentencing policies & practices and reports directly to the Illinois General Assembly, the Illinois Supreme Court, and the Governor.